Aleksandra Kolarski

was born in 1973 in Serbia. She spent most of her life in the fashion capital – Milan. There, she has gained an unforgettable life and business experience that she continues to build through relationships with clients, models, people from the world of fashion and business organisations. She has made strong business contacts and co-operated successfully by traveling and working, from South America, Africa, to Asia and Europe, where she is now a resident.

She made her first steps in the fashion world at the fashion agency „Fashion model menagement“ in Milan. Love for fashion and dedication to work led her to the position of fashion scout, discoverer and a researcher for new models. Successful business projects and satisfied clients enabled her numerous advancements that resulted in the opening of her “Alek K” agency, where she continues to work successfully as a consultant and organiser.

The fifteen-years-long experience as a model in Milan and other parts of the world, as well as the role of daughter, sister, friend, wife and mother directed her towards love and dedication to her job. She does her job very devotedly, with a lot of love, care and patience and it can be easily said – with her job, she can stand side by side with the most famous national and world brands.

At the beginning of the year, she re-tested her role as a model. She was honoured to be part of a large campaign „Jewelry Misahara“ from L.A., where she presented their new collection of jewelry.

Furthermore, she is very proud of being chosen to be a Brand Ambassador of women from our region.

Together with six other business associates, as ambassadors, they send a message and a slogan to women all around the world: DARE TO BE DIFFERENT. It is a message to women all over the world to be brave, and only by following their path and their hearts, everything they want, can be achieved!

Aleksandra Kolarski

About "Alek K" Agency

The “Alek K” Agency has been open for more than a decade, while Aleksandra, on the basis of her rich experience and successful modeling career, has worked well both in performing the duties of a casting director – 11 years of successful business with Mondialpelli-Gianfranco FERRE-Mifur Pellicceria and a marketing director – 5 years with the fashion house Yes London and many more prestigious fashion houses which needed to engage models. By “Scouting” – finding and educating, she has found many new faces for the Italian and French fashion scene, the results one only can desire in this region of ours.

Upon her return to her native country, Serbia, she changed the concept and organisation of her work. She organised her own team, top hairdressers, makeup artists, photographers and other experts who are leading in their field of activity. Good organisation and team work have proven to be a great result, clients have gained trust and, thus, work on the “turnkey” principle. This means that the clients she works with in campaigns, catalogues, magazines or some events and presentations, get the complete service of all activities from beginning to end.

Lead by experience and the ability to observe, listen and understand, she has made a good communication with all her clients. By constant improvement in her professional and personal file, she has managed to mark all collaborative and organisational projects with creative uniqueness and creative innovation.

The confirmation of a successful organisation of all events from the world of fashion is best represented by numerous satisfied clients, with which all members of the Agency and the team are progressing by being further educated and aspired on their road to be the best in their field of success in this region, and beyond.

In recent years, as a successful fashion consultant, she has also been helping fashion designers on our market. This assistance consists of serious and professional management of clients in order to achieve successful cooperation with clients and sponsors, as well as presenting their work to the foreign market.

Aleksandra Kolarski
Aleksandra Kolarski

Aleksandra Kolarski

rođena je 1973. godine u Srbiji. Najveći deo života provela je u prestonici mode, u Milanu. Tu je stekla neprocenjivo životno i poslovno iskustvo koje i dalje nadograđuje kroz odnos sa klijentima, modelima, ljudima iz sveta mode i poslovnim organizacijama. Ostvarila je čvrste poslovne kontakte i uspešnu saradnju putujući i radeći, od Južne Amerike, preko Afrike, do Azije i Evrope, gde joj je danas prebivalište.

Prvi koraci u svetu mode bili su joj u modnoj agenciji „Fashion model menagement“ u Milanu. Ljubav prema modi i posvećenost poslu doveli su je do pozicije modnog “scout-a”, pronalazača i istraživača novih modela. Uspešni poslovni projekti i zadovoljni klijenti omogućili su joj brojna napredovanja koja su rezultovala otvaranjem njene agenciju „Alek K“, gde i danas uspešno radi kao konsultant i organizator.

Petnaestogodišnje iskustvo modela u Milanu i drugim delovima sveta, uloga ćerke, sestre, prijatelja, supruge i majke, usmerili su je u pravcu ljubavi i posvećenosti prema svom poslu. Veoma predano, sa puno ljubavi, brige i strpljenja radi posao koji voli i sa kojim je, može se reći, stala rame uz rame sa napoznatijim našim i svetskim brendovima.

Početkom 2018.godine, ponovo se oprobala u ulozi modela. Počastvovana je, da je deo velike kampanje „Jewelry Misahara“ iz Los Angelesa, predstavljajući njihovu novu kolekciju nakita. Izabrana je kao jedan od Brand ambasdor žena sa ovih prostora. Zajedno sa još šest dama, one kao ambasadori šalju poruku i slogan ženama širom sveta DARE TO BE DIFERENT. Poruka koju nosi kampanja – da budu hrabre I da sve što zamisle mogu da ostvare, samo ako prate svoj put i svoje srce, ujedno je I njena svakodnevna inspiracija.

Aleksandra Kolarski

O „Alek K“ Agenciji

Agencija „Alek K“ postoji više od decenije, a Aleksandra se na osnovu svog bogatog iskustva i uspešne manekenske karijere odlicno snalazila na poziciji casting direktora (11.godina uspesnog poslovanja sa kompanijom Mondialpelli – Gianfranco FERRE – Mifur Pellicceria), 5.godina marketing direktor za modnu kucu Yes London, kao I mnoge druge prestižne modne kuće koji su imale potrebu za angažovanjem modela.

„Scoutingom“ – pronalaženjem i edukacijom modela, plasirala je mnoga nova lica na italijansku i francusku modnu scenu, što su rezultati kakvi se samo mogu poželeti na ovim prostorima.

Po povratku u rodnu zemlju, u Srbiju, promenila je koncept i organizaciju posla. Organizovala je sama svoj tim, vrhunske frizere, šminkere, fotografe i druge stručnjake koji su vodeći u svojoj oblasti delovanja. Dobra organizacija i timski rad pokazalo se kao odlican rezultat, klijenti su stekli poverenje. Princip rada je – „ključ u ruke“ – znaci da klijenti koje zastupa, dobijaju kompletnu uslugu svih delatnosti od početka do kraja – od slikanja kampanje,izrade kataloga, organizacije revije ili nekog događaja i prezentacije.

Vođena iskustvom i sposobnošću posmatranja, slušanja i razumevanja ostvarila je dobru komunikaciju sa svim svojim klijentima. Stalnim usavršavanjem na profesionalnom i ličnom polju uspela je da sve saradničke i organizatorske projekte obeleži kreativnom jedinstvenošću i stvaralačkom inovativnošću.

Potvrdu uspešne organizacije svih dešavanja iz sveta mode najbolje predstavljaju brojni zadovoljni klijenti; uz koje svi članovi agencije i tima napreduju, dalje se obrazuju i usavršavaju na putu i težnji da budu najbolji u svojoj oblasti na ovim prostorima i šire.

Poslednjih nekoliko godina, kao uspešni konsultant u svetu mode, pomaže i modnim kreatorima na nasem tržištu. Ta pomoć se sastoji u ozbiljnom i profesionalnom vođenju klijenata ka ostvarenju uspešne saradnje sa strankama i sponzorima, kao i prosleđivanje njihovog rada na inostrano tržište.